
Showing posts from December, 2011

Biography/Introduction Before Traveling to Jordan

Hello, and my name is Chloe Colbert.   I would like to take this time to formally introduce myself.   I am a junior here at The George Washington University, and I am majoring international affairs and minoring in economics.   I am studying abroad in Amman, Jordan during the spring semester of my junior year, and I cannot wait to go!             I initially considered studying abroad in Jordan during my second semester of Arabic in 2011.   My professor was Jordanian, and she commented on all of the great aspects of Jordan and including King Abdullah II and politics in the Middle East.   Then the Arab Spring broke out in February in Tunisia, and I immediately became enraptured by the multiple protests in the Islamic world: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Jordan and Bahrain.   Even Saudi Arabia and Iran were experiencing protests within their countries, which were quickly subdued.   I revisited the question I was asked in my freshman Politics and Values clas