
What is KatnissStrong ? Modeled after the fictional warrior character Katniss from The Hunger Games trilogy, KatnissStrong is modeled after Katniss' physical and mental strength and determination she had to fight battles in life. KatnissStrong is my call to action. It's my personal brand. It's a statement saying, "I'm going to take care of this temple that God has given me." KatnissStrong means that I am powerful beyond measure. KatnissStrong is my act of worship to my Creator as I strengthen my body and reach my full potential of strength through combined cardio and muscle building exercises and daily meditation. KatnissStrong is engaging with my Creator, using his strength to be mentally and physically disciplined. KatnissStrong is a reminder that no many how many times I fail in taking care of myself, I can get back up again and rise in the morning to a new opportunity. I am KatnissStrong . " Do you not know that in a race all the runners r...