Inspiration – A Writer’s New Beginning

I recently returned from the Middle East, specifically
Amman, Jordan, and part of my heart now lies in its deserts and open, rolling
hills. Jordan was not my first
destination for a study abroad experience, but I am so glad that I did travel
there despite previous reservations and preferences for other countries. Because of a university scholarship
tied to my study abroad experience, I was designated to blog for my school’s
study abroad website, and that is how I found my voice through words.
Writing has been a gift of mine for ages, but I’ve learned
to differentiate between journaling and blogging for an audience. This blog entry will be probably one of
the few where the word “I” appears so many times. I want my blog entries to be centered around my source of
inspiration – people – not myself.
My previous rendition of Estrella
was a self-centered blog about my personal feelings and opinions about life and
my experiences. Now that I am
older and honing my skill, I will present views as I hope to see them through a
camera – taking a perspective, but not photo-shopping the entire picture to
reflect my own personal opinion.
Now, the name of the blog: Estrella. It was the
name of my last blog, and although it would seem best to start fresh and change
the name, I would like to keep this name to represent that my past is still a
part of me. I only learn from my
experiences and become better through them. Also, the Spanish word, Estrella,
means “star” like the stars in the sky or a colloquialism for celebrity
stars. I am not famous, and I do
not aspire to be unless it only helps others. Ergo, I would rather be like a star (estrella) in the sky that is one among many inspiring personalities
and characters, shining brightly to make others on Earth to also shine brightly
in their own way. Each week, I
hope a new burst of light through the power of words and literacy reaches my
readers in this dawning blog.
I have recently posted all of my blog entries from my study
abroad experience in Jordan, and I will post another blog entry very soon this
week. I was inspired when I went
to Jordan, and I hope to bring that inspiration to my hometown, St. Louis, and
to the U.S. Let my words be the
new breath of testimony to such promises…